Our Story

Hello, my name is Katherine I´m the person behind the brand Evya Rose Accessories. A Swiss-based company specializing in satin-lined products for children and adults. The concept was sparked by necessity within the community of curly hair.

As a Canadian-Jamaican woman that immigrated to Basel, Switzerland. I quickly realized I was missing the convenience and abundance of products for my hair type here. When I had my first daughter, I found it difficult to keep her hair protected, and moist and maintain hairstyles that actually lasted longer than a day. I knew that I wasn’t the only mother facing these challenges as hair care is often a hot topic of discussion amongst mothers, the ex-pat community and the black community. If you know me personally, you know that I love to help and find solutions for people all the time, this is built into my character. I knew there was a way that I could help our community here by bringing satin-lined products to Europe, that are affordable and that bring value to you. The response has been overwhelming.

I started this journey to find a solution for my family’s hair care problems. This has quickly spread to other families within Europe and North America. People of all hair types see how beneficial satin-based products are.

At Eyva Rose Accessories I provide you with an excellent shopping experience as our clients’ satisfaction matters. Everything about us revolves around our commitment to help you and your family and to inspire confidence.  Even if you are not sure of what you want, we have a little something for everyone.

If you have any questions about our products, or if would like to check the availability of an item, please use the “Contact Us” page to get in touch.